4 more performances - next performance Sunday 7/13 at 3:45pm
It’s a dog’s life . . . and the next one is, too.
The Edge of the Universe Players 2 present
by Lee Blessing
Featuring Dexter Hamlett
Directed by Aly B. Ettman
A magical-realist fable about a New York performance artist, a firebrand Southern politician,
and the Chesapeake Bay retriever who unites their fates forever. And ever.
Thursday, July 10 at 8:00
Sunday, July 13 at 3:45
Saturday, July 19 at Noon
Wednesday, July 23 at 8:45
Saturday, July 26 at 7:00
At Fort Fringe—Bedroom
612 L St. NW, WDC 20001
Tickets available at www.capitalfringe.org or 866-811-4111
Fort Fringe, 607 New York Avenue, NW, DC
Invite your friends through the Facebook Event Page,
plus find out cool background info about the play and the actor.
Check out the preview in the Gazette and on DC Metro Theater Arts.
This production is presented as a part of the 2014 Capital Fringe Festival,
a program of the Washington, DC non-profit Capital Fringe.